Bonjour! I’m Sarah, the human behind A Buckeye in Paris. I fell in love with France and her people my freshman year of high school. My French teachers, Mme. Arbogast and Mme. Wood, fueled this fire which has lead me to where I am at today; mid-30’s and living in Paris.
I spent my senior year of high school in an exchange program and was placed in a small town 30 minutes (by train) to the west of Paris. That year, 2002, I fell head-over-heels in love with Paris and all her mystery. Fifteen years later, I am reunited with my best friend from my exchange and that fire is reignited again.
At her wedding in 2017, I ended up meeting a Frenchman and the rest was history. We got married in 2019 and that’s what started my quest. Here it is, 2021 (19 years after my exchange) and I have moved to Paris permanently.
I started A Buckeye in Paris because I was fed up with not being able to find all the information I needed online and I was having a hard time navigating certain websites. I wanted to create a space that would catalogue all this information and be easily accessible for any one who might want to venture down the same path as me. I also wanted a place where my loved ones could follow along and not miss a beat while being across the pond.
This blog is about the transparent honesty of this whole expat process. I started it because I was looking for answers and couldn’t find any. And I’m sure there is at least one other person out there who has the same questions I did/do. So be sure to sign up to get the latest updates and information on the blog !
A Buckeye in Paris is very much me, in digital form. Ever evolving, learning, adapting, creating, and expanding. Please do not be disheartened if things change on here, that’s the beauty of the internet. This place is like my wardrobe, choosing to showcase different items, creating a unique and diverse look and accentuating my je ne sais quoi. I have a feeling this is going to be an amazing adventure and would love for you to join me on this crazy adventure! If you want, follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to stay up on the latest adventures and French administration escapades! Be sure to drop by sometime and say hi or bonjour !
If you ever want to drop me a line, you can email me here : coucou@abuckeyeinparis.com