Pregnant in France : Congé Maternité
Everything you need to know about taking your maternity leave in France, from the length, what to expect before, during, and after as well as the different options if you need to extend your leave.
Pregnant in France: 7 childbirth preparation classes
In France, one part of your pregnancy journey consists of the 7 childbirth preparation classes that cover a variety of subjects to prepare you for the arrival your baby. These classes typically start around the 7th month of pregnancy and…
Miscarriage in France
Miscarriage is not an easy topic to discuss. This is a subject that touches 1 in 8 women will experience a miscarriage. Here is my experience with a miscarriage in France.
Pregnant in France: Early Prenatal Interview : Entretien Prénatal Précoce
The early prenatal interview, entretien prénatal précoce, is an appointment that allows conversation between you and your doctor/midwife about the pregnancy. This is a moment to ask any and all questions you may have.
Pregnant in France: Declaring your pregnancy in France
Declaring your pregnancy in France unlocks a whole host of next steps in your pregnancy journey. This can be done by you or your midwife by sending in a form to CAF.
Pregnant in France: What to expect at your first trimester appointment in France
Here's what to expect at your first trimester appointment in France, ultrasound and all.
Pregnant in France: Essential First Steps for Being Pregnant in France
So you’re late and not in the sense to a very important date, you think you might be pregnant. What do you do next? Who do you see? Do I need to immediately change my diet? There’s no need to…