Happy October!

I had a thought last night while trying to fall asleep; which sometimes can be dangerous, I know. But I’m having writer’s block and can’t pin down an idea and percolate on it. So I’ve created a challenge for myself and hopefully it will help me as well as give you, my lovely reader, a deeper insight into me and why I decided to be here and share with you.
October is my favorite time of the year! Not only is it the beginning of a season where the colors are beautiful and breath-taking; there’s also apples, cinnamon, sweaters, chunky slippers, thick scarves, cozy fireplaces, pumpkin pie, turkey, cranberry, apple cider, corn mazes, hay rides, hot chocolate with marshmellows and so many more reasons. But, it is also my birthday season! So, you could say this challenge is a deeper dive to better get to know me, or a shameless promotion of myself, but this is more for my benefit as I struggle with turning 35, living back at home, a lack of creative motivation and being in this limbo that is the in-betweeen of closing one chapter and starting a new one across the Atlantic Ocean.
For the month of October I’ll post something about myself, whether it’ a short or long post, allowing you to peer inside my crazy life that I wouldn’t trade for the world. And hopefully I don’t bore you away or scare you off. I hope you enjoy and maybe take away something that speaks to you!