Pregnant in France: 7 childbirth preparation classes

In France, one part of your pregnancy journey consists of the 7 childbirth preparation classes that cover a variety of subjects to prepare you for the arrival your baby. These classes typically start around the 7th month of pregnancy and are open to fathers as well. These classes can be taken from a midwife or doctor and are covered 100% by the Assurance Maladie. You can either ask your doctor, midwife or at the maternité where you are registered about the availability of these classes.
What to expect during the 7 childbirth preparation classes
These classes can be taken individually or in a group setting, typically they are offered in a group setting either with a doctor or a midwife. Also, depending on situation, you may need to take courses privately, as in have a midwife or doctor come to your home, particularly if you are on bedrest.
If you have been seeing a midwife throughout your pregnancy, they will be the one to most likely offer these classes. In my instance, I was seeing a midwife from my doctor’s office in Paris, but she recommended that I look for one closer to where I live in the suburbs as they would be able to offer the classes as well as do the home visits and re-education afterwards.
The classes will be cover both a technical and practical side. It recommended that the father attends as many of the classes as possible as he can be an integral part of the labor and delivery process by helping and supporting in many ways.
These classes typically last an hour long with time at the end for questions. Depending on where you are taking the classes will depend on the frequency. My classes were held weekly with a local midwife at her clinic.
Subjects covered during the classes
You’ll cover a variety of subjects in regards to getting ready for the birth of your child. Here are some of the subjects that will be covered in the course of the 7 classes:
- Explanation of the course flow of pregnancy, child birth and the postpartum period.
- Exercises to do during pregnancy and labor, in particular breathing exercises and positions for labor.
- Labor: monitoring methods, uterine contractions, induction.
- Pain management: support, postures, breathing, massage, balloon, homeopathy, epidural anesthesia
- Relaxation techniques, movements, gestures & posture to adopt during the duration of pregnancy.
- Pregnancy aches and pains, physiology of late pregnancy, when to go to the maternity ward?
- Understanding the roll of each team member on the medical team at the maternité and what to expect during labor.
- Delivery: pushing, positions, forceps, vacuum, Caesarean section (scheduled or emergency) and what happens to the baby.
- Knowing the care that will need to be provided to your child from birth and in the first few months.
- Preparing to return home with baby once the stay at the hospital is finished.
- Returning home: sleep, colic, perineum reeducation, sexuality, contraception.
- Breastfeeding/bottle feeding and baby care.
The father is allowed at almost all the classes, but there are a few where it is just the expecting mothers. It is recommended that if that father can attend that he does, especially when the classes are covering techniques and exercises. It is very informative for both soon-to-be parents to be involved as one can recognize signs and help the other.

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