Update: Yard Sale
I had a yard sale this past weekend. A first for me.
When I was younger, the Home Owners Association (HOA) of my Grandmother’s development would hold a community garage sale every year. I remember we’d load up the family vehicle (usually whatever Mum was driving at the time) with any items we didn’t need anymore and take them over to Grandma’s house the night before and get set up. We’d head over early the next morning to get the garage all in order and then we’d sit and wait for the throngs of people to show up.
It was a real treat when Mum would let us go wander to certain other neighbor’s houses so we could gingerly skim through their belongings and see if there were any hidden treasures. Sometimes I would find something that I liked and I would have to come back and ask Mum for some money to buy it. I’d always find something wacky where Mum would see it and go “Do you really need that?”
“Of course I do!” And Mum would give in and I’d end up getting whatever little doo-dad I was pining over.
Even though I didn’t sell all of the items, maybe about a quarter of them, it was still a success. Some friends had stopped by, thanks Mary, Cassie, Lynn and Erin, Oakley and Z, to support me in my endeavors! I even made an order for some bread, an apple pie and a carrot cake! Thanks Mary!! I’m $200 closer to my goal than I was before!
It was hot yesterday and thankfully the rain held off since I had some large items sitting in the front yard because there was no room on the porch. When I didn’t have a friend to talk to, I spent my afternoon reading a book my mum gave me for Christmas. Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. Yes, I already know what you’re thinking, I am late to the party! Well, I bought the Kindle version a while ago, started it, but then work opened another location and I was promoted to General Manager. So, life got busy.
I’m always someone who has to be on the go; I always have to be doing something, always active. I get this from my parents (at least I get it honest). I think this is one of those things that when you’re asked in an interview “What’s your biggest drawback” this is it for me. But I wouldn’t put it in the negative category because it can go both ways. Making this decision to move half way around the world has caused me to slow down at times and be in the moment. I’m able to read the books I have been wanting to read, see the people I have been wanting to reconnect with, heck even sleep in!
This yard sale was two-fold for me; a shedding of an old life to make way for a new and exciting one and a realization that there are people who support me in more ways than I realize and that I am not in this alone. I know you are rooting for me, I just sometimes loose sight of that and I apologize. So thanks for showing up and supporting me in this crazy journey!