Know Before You Go

French phrases to have in your back pocket when visiting France

View of the Eiffel Tower hiding between two typical Parisian buildings, both sides of the street are packed with parked cars, with a view of a famous cafe, le Recruitment, on a street corner. There is a red awning that covers a patio and there are fake flowers that are poking out from the cafe's sign.

Coming to France? Don’t know any French? Do not let that intimidate you. I’ve got your list of French phrases to have in your back pocket when visiting France. Despite the stereotypes, the French are a welcoming and kind people. They are humans, just like you and me, and especially in this day an age (poke pandemic and tough times), a little extra patience and respect may get you a long way. 

One thing I always recommend to people when they are coming to visit Paris, is to learn a few phrases in French and attempt to start in French and you can quickly move to English. Here’s just the tip of the iceberg for phrases and words to have at the ready. 

Basic French Words

Bonjour : Hello.

Au revoir : Good bye.

À bientôt: See you later.

Bonne journée: Have a good day.

Bonsoir: Good evening.

Bonne soirée: Have a good night.

Bonne nuit*: Good night

S’il vous plaît: Please

Je vous en prie: You’re welcome

Merci: Thank you. 

Excusez-moi: Please excuse me. 

*Bonne nuit is a phrase that is used before going to bed. When you’re saying good bye to someone in the evening it is better to use bonne soirée

Common French Phrases

Parlez-vous anglais?: Do you speak English ? 

Je ne comprends pas: I do not understand.

Je ne parle que anglais: I speak only english

Veuillez répéter, s’il vous plaît: Can you please repeat that.

Parlez plus lentement , s’il vous plaît: Can you please speak slower?

Encore une fois, s’il vous plaît: Again, please.

Parlez-vous anglais?: Do you speak English?

Je suis perdu(e): I am lost

Je m’appelle…: My name is…

Comment allez-vous?: How are you ?

Enchanté(e): Delighted to meet you. 

French for Getting Around

À gauche: to the left

À droite: to the right

Tout droit: straight ahead

Le guichet: ticket window

La gare: train station

Où se trouve…? Où est/sont…?: where is…?

La sortie: The exit

C’est loin d’ici?: Is it far from here?

Un billet: a ticket

French Dining Out

Une table pour…: A table for…

Un carafe d’eau, s’il vous plaît: A caraf of water please.

La carte: the menu

L’entrée: appetizer

Le plat: the main dish

Le dessert: dessert

Je voudrais… : I would like…

Je vais prendre…: I’ll have the…

Je suis allergique à/au…: I am allergic to….

Du pain: bread

Du sel et poivre: Salt and pepper

Un couteau: a knife

Une forchette: a fork

Une cuilleure: a spoon

Une serviette: a napkin

L’addition: the bill

French at the store

Combien ça coute…? How much does this cost?

La caisse: the cash register

Avez-vous ce produit en taille…?: Do you have this in a size…?

je regard seulement, merci.: I’m just looking, thank you.

Avez-vous…?: Do you have…?

Le reçu: the receipt

Are you looking for anything specific? Did I miss anything? Want me to cover another subject? Let me know by leaving a comment below ! I’ll be going more into a deep-dive in certain areas (like how to read a French menu) at a later date. Unfortunately there are not enough hours in the day. 

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