How to obtain your French tax ID number
Applying for your French Tax ID Number You need a tax ID number if you plan on paying taxes in France . You are not legally required to have one, though, if you need to register as a taxpayer in…
Picking up my carte de séjour : remise de titre de séjour
The final step in getting my titre de séjour, picking it up from the Préfecture. Pleasantly surprised in the process especially since I had to email them after 2 months since I had no news.
The Ins & Outs of a French Dossier
Pulling together my research into a staple in an expat's daily life in France, the dossier . A full breakdown of what a French dossier is and what it is used for, how to maintain it and some tips and…
The Down & Dirty of Apartment Hunting in Paris
Apartment hunting in Paris can seem overwhelming, especially if you don't know where to start . I've compiled my own tips and tricks for venturing into this process, how to read a listing, what I found that worked (and didn't),…
VLS-TS : VPF Renewal Appointment
My recount of the vls-ts vpf renewal appointment at the préfecture and all the documents that I brought along (and then some).
Exchanging my Ohio license for a French permis de conduire
Recap of my experience submitting my application to exchange my Ohio driver's license. This is was a much-debated subject in our tiny household and decided this is something I should go ahead and do. France's driving schools are notoriously expensive…
Setting up your FranceConnect Account
Using the FranceConnect account to easily access and maneuver through official French Administration online websites. Using one account for access to other services.