• Beginnings,  leap of faith

    Update: Yard Sale

    I had a yard sale this past weekend. A first for me. When I was younger, the Home Owners Association (HOA) of my Grandmother’s development would hold a community garage sale every year. I remember we’d load up the family…

  • Beginnings,  Paperwork

    So Now What?

    Life has happened yet again and The Plan has changed. My original adventure ambitiously included me landing a rad job in Paris and my future employer sponsoring my work visa. Which would allow me to return home, apply and obtain…

  • Beginnings,  leap of faith

    Food and the French: Part 2

    France is what got me into food and food is what brought me back to France. Fast forward to 14 years after my exchange, August 2016. I graduated from Columbus State Community College with an Associates degree in Hospitality Management:…

  • Beginnings

    Spring has sprung… finally!

    Happy April mes amies! I hope you are ready for some gorgeous weather as much as I am! Winter seemed to be extra cruel this year and not so nice. I am eagerly awaiting warm nights with windows open and…

  • Beginnings

    Bienvenue en France!

    My flight arrived in Paris at 6:45 AM on a Wednesday morning. I fell in love all over again as I was blessed with the view of the City of Lights right outside my window. I was blessed by the…

  • Beginnings

    Never too early…

    I am now 10 days out and I have started to pack my suitcases because I know myself all too well.  Over the next 10 days I will pack and repack my suitcases (yes, there will be more than one)…