Beginnings,  Goals,  leap of faith

Celebrating small victories.

I have been back in Paris for 10 days now and it feels like I never left; I have picked up right where I left off, except this time with a husband! It has been quite the journey to get here but every step taken has been completely worth it!

Excuse me while I brag for a moment, but I have to tell you that my husband has been the most supportive, understanding, helpful, and loving partner through out this whole process and I could not have asked for anyone better! He is amazing and selfless in giving in so many ways. I would be lost without him.

This whole process has been 9 months in the making from the date of the decision on which path to take to the date of arrival back in Paris, visa in hand. When I arrived home last year in June, I did not expect that it would take this long for me to be able to return to my (at the time) boyfriend. But that is a story for another day mes amies.

If you know me, you know that I have been researching this whole process from every.single.angle for well over a couple years. I have read stories and accounts of others who have come before me and their experiences in order to better understand what I will be up against.

The whole ordeal in a nutshell? Pushback, paperwork, and headache.

I knew that being an American was a hill that would pose certain problems and I attempted to prepare myself for the worst, if you will. My mentality became “glass half empty” because if I went into the situation thinking it’ll come out the way I expect, I’d be met with disappointment. Which was always my case. So, I set the bar low.

I had been secretly dreading today, the 12th March. I had an appointment with my husband’s banker this morning. Thanks to him, he set everything up and even had all the necessary documents printed and set to go for our meeting. Upon arrival to the bank, we were told to head upstairs to the waiting room and we would be taken care of when our banker was ready. I was trying to not appear nervous when we sat down and waited, but I could not help it; even with the “glass half empty” mentality.

We were greeted by a bubbly lady who ushered us into her office. She went over formalities (no hand shaking) and after some small talk she remarked at how well I speak French and asked what she could do for us. Score 1 for Sarah, this is off to a good start!

Something to remember about the French and their ways, they will tell you up front if something is not possible, they get straight to the point and do not beat around the bush.

She asked for the necessary documents that she had emailed to the hubs the week prior as well as originals of my passport and livret de famille. She started clacking away on her keyboard. (I was watching her fingers to see if I could tell what she was typing.) After a small technical hiccup, a mountain of papers to sign and an hour later, I am now the proud owner of a French bank account. And with La Banque Postale to boot! HUZZAH!

Tonight, I am celebrating this small victory and relishing in the fact that this may not be so difficult as I had prepared myself for it to be, I may indeed have found a stride and I’ll take that!


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